Saturday 30 November 2013

Heavenly Father's Love, After Abuse

A Heavenly Father’s Love
          How can one possibly get out of these anger fangs which are a carry-over from the life-altering abuses perpetrated by a father? Is there any way the yearning heart can connect to the loving Father in heaven who is 100% different than an abusive father?
          The enclosed form letter is designed to be used for anyone seeking to find freedom from the jaws of father-rage and pursue a living and loving relationship with the heavenly Father.Hope and Healing for Abused
To Dad,
   This letter is just to tell you that my life has been devastated due to not receiving a true perspective of God as my Father because of how I was treated by you, my blood father. The verbal lashings produced fear to speak to God. The physical beatings make Him look scary and violent. The filth and sexual abuse portray that I’m too filthy and unacceptable for Him and that He is standing over me as a judge for being so dirty. The rejection and abandonment make it feel like a heavenly Father cannot be trusted. And the way you always hurt my mom with your words and actions while you said that you loved her made me to be very scared of love. That means if God is love He will hurt me.
          Dad, I want you to know that I choose to forgive and release you, with all your abusive words and actions, into the hand of Jesus. I choose to release to Christ all the false perceptions of God which you portrayed and I renounce them all with His power. I choose to forgive and release the false love you displayed to my mother, and I claim the divine love of Jesus to be my guide for love. I choose to forgive and release all the filth and sexual perversions you committed against me which produced a shameful fear of a heavenly Father.
Dad, I release you into the hand of the Lord for Him to deal with; and I ask Him to grant you a suitable blessing today. I reclaim my life through Jesus as God designed it should be. Every generational sin and stronghold created through the abuses I renounce and claim the blood of Jesus over it so that they will not dictate my future. I request Jesus to take back all the ground Satan gained in me and I yield that ground to His control. May God bless and keep you and show you the true love of Himself. – Your Son/Daughter

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