Friday 27 March 2015

Why Does God Let It Happen?

Just why does the Lord allow tragedy’s pain?
How could it be possible that there’s a gain?
Does God really see the dark anguished despair?
Amid crushing pain, will He show me His care?
Do not lose your courage - take heart and look up:
For God’s in control of each thing in your cup;
He sees the full picture of life as a whole,
And works it all out for the best of your soul!

When heartache and anguish is dished on my plate,
I must praise my God for His all-knowing trait:
For He will allow only that which is best,
And gives grace sufficient for each painful test.
Although it is tragedy, pain or abuse-
Commit it to God for His infinite use:
For He has a plan of eternal design,
And say “Lord, not my will be done, but just Thine.”

An attitude, meek, with God’s help do maintain-
Assured amid heartache thy Lord will sustain:
For when you commit all the pain to His hand,
He works it all out for the best that He’s planned.
God uses each circumstance, painful and grim
To spill out His power right over the brim:
For when we are weak then our God becomes strong,
And midst ceaseless anguish creates a new song.

The enemy seeks to destroy us through pain,
But God supervises the Devil’s disdain;
The Lord always writes the last chapter, you see-
And He shows His power to you and to me!
So yield all your rights and your life to His hand-
Each dark situation you don’t understand;
When given to Him, He your life fully holds,
And He for His praise brings you forth as pure gold!

Sunday 8 March 2015

Victory In the Battle

Fellow-soldiers marching forward in the battle thick and sore,
We as foreigners and pilgrims, headed to the heav’nly shore:
For our Savior’s blood has bought us from the Devil’s grip of death-
By His grace and endless mercy He forgives and gave life’s breath.

But our enemy is raging - seeks to capture us again,
This, our foe is whom we battle - it is not women or men:
For he knows his time is short now to ensnare more souls to hell,
Thus he wages war against those who redemption’s song can tell.

I would warn you most sincerely, “Never give him e’en an inch,
Or he’ll steal from you a hectare as in darkness you will flinch;
Slam and lock the door before you - do not open it a crack,
Or he’ll bust right on in through it and will stab you in the back!

Do not trifle with allurements he has baited on your way:
For his traps of death await you when with canons, hot, you play;
 Snaring lies he will have hanging from the limb of ev’ry tree-
Do not stop to view their makings lest the noose will tighten thee!”

Run, my Comrade to the Savior, our Commanding Conqueror:
For when covered by His blood-flow we have vict’ry in this war;
Jesus Christ arose triumphant over Satan, sin and hell,
And in Him we claim the power as He all our foes doth quell!

Fellow-soldiers, gird your armor, never putting down your Sword,
With the righteous breastplate o’er you, and your shield, faith in the Lord;
Take the helmet of salvation -keep it always in its place,
With the Truth all girt about you - fiery darts then find no space.

Pressing forward, on and upward, our Commander, Christ in lead,
 For we know our foe’s defeated and all hell one day will feed.
Never swerve from off the pathway, but let snipers wait in vain:
For we have the cross before us and the crown we shall obtain!

Friday 23 January 2015

God Has an Infinite Purpose

My Jesus, I thank You for Your purpose true:
For reasons unseen in the things that You do,
For sending Your grace to enfold hurting hearts,
For dewdrops of prayer when the tear drops do start.
It may be that we cannot e’er understand
How hardship and suff’ring fits into God’s plan,
But God has an infinite purpose midst pain,
And it is the Lord Who can see the full gain.

For His ways are higher than we comprehend –
He views the eternal as full grace He sends;
He only desires that we yield complete
Each trial and pain to His own pierced feet.
For through pain and suff’ring the Lord can maintain
Our life and His purpose to bring forth great gain:
For He is the Master of suffering’s school –
When yielded to Him it becomes a blest tool!

For pain and affliction are tools in His hand
Through which He creates precious gems in time’s sand;
The heartache and pain that affliction imparts
Denotes size of diamonds He makes on your heart.
The presence and value of diamonds are found
Amid skilful chiselling, though pain abounds;
The greater the pain on your heart that you feel
Depicts that great value the Lord will reveal.

He takes every tear and each heart throbbing pain
To use in His project of infinite gain,
Creating His diamonds of eternal worth
Midst heart-soul surrender, ascending from earth.
So let us not view pain’s afflictions as fate,
But opportune moments for God to create
A vessel of honour with value untold
Which He can now use, that’s more precious than gold!

- Keturah 

Thursday 1 January 2015

New Year Gold Panning Goal

Spiritual Gold-Panning

Back in 1849, there was a gold rush in California, and droves of people from every walk of life thronged to the West to get their stake in for a claim. The self-sacrifice, peril, and even death that individuals were willing to encounter in order to dig up some glittering riches were phenomenal. Often they would have to dig in unsafe conditions through rock, storm, or heat with very little to show for it. Many times bandits, murderers, and other greedy individuals would attack just to get what someone else had worked so hard to unearth. Panning gold was hard, dirty, and often mucky work, yet men gave their lives in the attempt to get rich quick.
How much more should God’s children be all fired up about digging and panning for the spiritual gold in fellow believers? So often many of the people who are called by Christ’s name spend more time slandering, assuming, and gossiping than they spend lifting up the golden nuggets in others. In fact, many do not even bother looking for gold nuggets in others—they are too busy looking for the rocks, mud, and boulders to hurl at another.
The Master’s desire for His children is that we pan for gold in one another with the mind of Christ within us. Though there are individuals who have been through things we cannot understand, or their pain is something we cannot comprehend, yet beneath it all lies buried gold which the Master wants to refine. He asks that we never give up on one another and never write someone off as a useless claim.
Everyone has a value to God which surpasses the worth of all the gold in the world. Because He died for each and every one, we are all equally valuable regardless of what circumstances, pain, or abuse have shaped us. Even these anguishing tools can be used by the Savior to refine the gold or increase its value as He sees best. Digging for the gold in our brother or sister can be a blessed experience when we are armed with the love of God that shines for His glory, and view every potential claim through the goggles of Christ!
Prayer: Lord, help me to never give up on anyone no matter what they have been through or how hard the digging may be. Empower me with Your love and the eternal vision of how You view each person and claim. Amen.