Friday 23 January 2015

God Has an Infinite Purpose

My Jesus, I thank You for Your purpose true:
For reasons unseen in the things that You do,
For sending Your grace to enfold hurting hearts,
For dewdrops of prayer when the tear drops do start.
It may be that we cannot e’er understand
How hardship and suff’ring fits into God’s plan,
But God has an infinite purpose midst pain,
And it is the Lord Who can see the full gain.

For His ways are higher than we comprehend –
He views the eternal as full grace He sends;
He only desires that we yield complete
Each trial and pain to His own pierced feet.
For through pain and suff’ring the Lord can maintain
Our life and His purpose to bring forth great gain:
For He is the Master of suffering’s school –
When yielded to Him it becomes a blest tool!

For pain and affliction are tools in His hand
Through which He creates precious gems in time’s sand;
The heartache and pain that affliction imparts
Denotes size of diamonds He makes on your heart.
The presence and value of diamonds are found
Amid skilful chiselling, though pain abounds;
The greater the pain on your heart that you feel
Depicts that great value the Lord will reveal.

He takes every tear and each heart throbbing pain
To use in His project of infinite gain,
Creating His diamonds of eternal worth
Midst heart-soul surrender, ascending from earth.
So let us not view pain’s afflictions as fate,
But opportune moments for God to create
A vessel of honour with value untold
Which He can now use, that’s more precious than gold!

- Keturah 

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