Sunday 12 January 2014

How Precious God's Thought to You

 Before the foundations of earth were e’er laid,
For you in His plan, had the Lord a place made;
He knew all about you before you were formed,
And near to His heart, there His thoughts of you warmed!

He sees the full path that He’s laid out for you,
And just how He’ll use all the things you go through;
His plan for your life is all woven in love,
And He will sustain you with grace from above.

How precious each day are God’s thoughts unto thee-
Which number far more than the sands of the sea;
Although you’re asleep or awake this you’ll find:
Around you His thoughts and His love always wind!

Although dark adversity darkens your path,
Don’t ever assume it is part of God’s wrath,
But be most assured it is God’s divine hand,
Who uses pained trial we don’t understand.

For trials are tools we can welcome with joy,
Designed to build up and to never destroy:
For when to the Lord we yield all of our pain
He transforms it all into undying gain.

Our God specializes in taking your heart,
Which may be so wounded or broken apart;
The dark, bleeding shreds He will take in His hand-
Creating a vessel to use as He’s planned!

He carries you close to His bosom of love
And longs to bring healing and peace like a dove;
He never can fail you – His child you remain,


And He, ev’ry step of your life will sustain!

- Keturah