Sunday 6 July 2014

Abolish Slavery

To be a slave I cannot dare, and must avoid its deadly snare-
An Abolitionist I’ll be, and do away with slavery.
And I can never dare to stoop to hatred, or its bitter soup:
For then I’m choosing readily, another man’s own slave to be.

And I must always cast aside the bread of bitterness that’s dried:
For just a crumb could poison me, and chain me as a slave, not free.
That tantalizing malice spread must not be buttered on my bread:
For that too seals my binding fate- enslaved in bondage none can rate.

The pastry that may look so nice, but binds one fast, as cold as ice
Is clanking unforgiveness chains, which makes real slaves and has no gains.
The slave owner just stalks around and preys on those which could be bound;
The overseers capture all who in their cruel clutches fall.

The bloodhounds sniff out every scent- ferocious frenzy oft will vent
When some poor soul from slavery flees through Jesus Christ escapes so free!
Old Satan owns the slaves (he thinks), but he’s defeated – on death’s brink;
And we can choose his slavery, or else a life in Jesus, free!

For Jesus bought us by His blood, so He could free us through that flood;
Let’s not succumb to slavery, but choose forgiveness, love so free!
Forgiveness choices free us up, despite what pain is in our cup;

It places All within God’s hand, Who in this choice by us will stand!

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